Searching for motivation to work out? Invest in some GREAT workout gear! Some of my favorite workout clothes and gear is what gets me ready to roll for a workout.

*To note – some of the links below are affiliates. The majority are not. Based on purcahses made, I may earn a small commission for sales based on those links. I will never ever share a link to anything with you that I cannot say I have not tried and loved myself. I promise. I’m not a jerk. <3 


Zella Zella Zella. How I love thee. Oh, my goodness I could live in Zella’s – day in and day out (probably why they are called “live In Leggings”). They are so comfortable, reversible, and take forever to wear out – even where my thighs rub! They are durable, you can work out, lounge, and come in a variety of colors and prints, from casual black to wild. I wear the black ones often with a long shirt and boots in the fall and winter, and save the wild prints for my workouts, but that’s just me. I wore them though my 6th month of pregnancy – my only issue is they didn’t make them in maternity sizes when I was pregnant!

I am a diehard Oregon Duck fan. Nike was founded out of U of O. Uncle Phil (Phil Knight) reigns supreme at U of O. I love Nike. Particularly when they have pants that say my team on them! These are the pants, however, that were heavily featured in my first run, and therefore, while they are still in my drawer, they are unworn. The quality and comfort of Nike is well – on the level of Nike. So I recommend them.

Gap/Old Navy.
Did you know that Gap has the most comfortable workout specific pants?) See how I kept my Zella love from above going while also mentioning comfort in another brand? Listen, I had never tried these before my sister got me a par of them for my birthday last year, and I can honestly say they are worn at least twice a week, and if I’m not in my Zellas for lounging, I am in these. They are part of the Altheta brand, which is owned by Gap. (it’s also Old Navy’s workout clothes too!)

They are cute, comfy, stretchy, long enough, and they go up high enough that you can do some deep squats, stretch on the ground, or go on a run and not worry about showing anything you don’t want to. Also – for those who have weight loss loose skin (ahem…me) or have had c-sections and have a little extra love in your stomach area (also me)….these hold them in.


I am a sucker for hilarity. While I don’t think that workout tanks are the most flattering on me, I absolutely love the sass of just about any that I can find. My two favorites are “everything hurts and I’m dying” and “T-Rex hates pushups” (thanks for that, dear brother in law, as my Christmas gift) The best part of sass? There are so many more wildly creative and crafty people out there in the world who are selling these shirts! Etsy is just a rad concept to begin with, but I love that I can type in just about anything followed by “Workout tank” and ideas will pop up.

My Favorite Murder? Check.
Oregon Ducks? Check.
Champagne? Check.
Tacos? Triple check.

They also have just about every style of workout top/clothes that you can think of, and some you cant! I’ve been eyeing some thick strap workout tanks for a while now!

Back to Gap because Gap knows whats up. They have awesome tops – the ones I have are my winter tops. One is this epically soft, long, hooded (??) almost boxer-esqe shirt. My description is not doing it justice, but it has thumb holes so I know it’s a win. They are great for runs in the cold or 6:!5am workouts where I know I will sweat my face off, but I don’t want to freeze going into or out of a warm indoor space.

Side note on tops:
We have officially arrived in FOOTBALL season! While I am so sad to wave goodbye to summer, I do love getting riled up and cheering on my most favorite team – the Oregon Ducks! And because I live in the Seattle area….I’m none too popular when I wear their gear. SO I do with pride 🙂 I have more than enough t-shirts to spare (as proven when I made every attendee of my bachelorette party change into one of my Duck shirts – thanks again ladies!) and regularly rotate them through Saturday games, random lounge wear, and workouts when I’m not quite feeling the tank top.

My Sunday (and occasional Monday/Thursday) and always Blue Friday gear is all about the Seahawks…I’m much more welcomed when I wear that gear. I love supporting Russell’s hustle, and I cant wait to see what this year brings for the team. Plus, hubs and I watch HBO’s Hard Knocks every year, which gets me so pumped for the season! Bring on the football, the snacks (with moderation!) and keep the rain away!


Sorry not sorry men, it’s necessary. I’ve worn double sports bras for years because there is just not enough support in the world sometimes. Also, for those confident about their stomachs, it doubles as a top.

Ok, I love Target for just about anything. But their bras are rad because they have clearly defined support levels and good prices. An almost unheard of combo. AND on top of that, their highest support ones are also cute and bright colored….also unheard of.

They make great pants – you think they don’t make killer sports bras too?? Comfortable, supportive, and cute. I don’t have to double these! They’re fantastic!


Did you really expect me to mention shoes and NOT mention Nike? Hellllloooo modern running shoes were practically invented at Oregon, by Bowerman.* Nike Huarache sneakers are what dreams are made of. They are the lightest shoe I have ever held, so comfortable, and they are all one piece – so no pesky tongue slipping and driving you nuts! I wear them often with ankle jeans, because they are adorable, and I am NOT a “wear sneakers outside of exercise” person. I don’t think I had done it since junior high before I got these.

My current gym shoes are a pair of Nike Training. They are well loved and probably needing to be replaced, but I direct you back to the part where they are “well loved” and also remind you that I don’t change well so…there you go.

I cant really talk about any other shoes because, well, aside from soccer cleats, I’ve only ever had Nike sneakers. In my day to day, I love a good Converse, but I would be horrified to see you on a jog in those! You know a better workout shoe? I would LOVE to hear other suggestions, because contrary to my Oregon/Nike roots, I’m happy to spread around other brands. Hit me in the comments with your favorite shoe!

Actually, hit me in the comments with ALL of your favorite gear! I want to hear about it all! If you are reading this and telling yourself, “Sam! You moron! You totally left ‘xyz awesome company’ out of the mix!” I want to know about it!!! Unless its Lululemon, in which of course their stuff is great, I was gifted one of their bras and one of their shirts, I love them. I just can only afford one singular sad sock from them….so go ahead and buy it for me! 🙂

*Don’t fight me, I know they didn’t make the FIRST running shoes, but you know what I mean <3

This post may contain affiliate links. When purchases are made off of those links, I may receive a commission. I promise to never share links or products that I don’t personally use and endorse. I would never share something with you that I didn’t already love. (Not all links are affiliates, I’m not that cool) 

Train hard, look good going it! The absolute best workout clothes I've found!
The best workout clothes I have found, affordable, cute, and comfortable!
Workout gear without breaking the bank, looking cute while you work hard!

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