I’ve been losing a lot of weight. After what seemed like a lifetime of trying, I’m succeeding. And why am I succeeding FINALLY? Because I changed lots of habits, but the number one habit I changed? What I did in the kitchen. 

I work for a huge company in my area, and one of the benefits offered is a wellness/fitness package. You get a choice. The first is you can get a free membership to a fancy gym near the buildings. The second is that you can buy the fitness related equipment that you want and they will reimburse you for it. It’s super cool. (and also how I will get my Tread Desk.)

The first few years I worked at this company, I did the gym membership. It’s an amazing gym with fantastic facilities and every machine and class you could imagine. Pre-children, I was great at going for a few months at a time…when I was motivated. About twice a year I would tell myself “they give you this benefit and you don’t use it. GO USE IT. Also, you’re fat. Fix that. Work out.”. So, I would go. I would work out, I would shower in public showers, then walk to my office if it wasn’t a torrential downpour of rain.

Then, 2-3 months later, I would stop.

I’d get bored, I would stop caring, I would prefer sleep over the gym, and I would stop. Also, I wasn’t seeing results. Clearly, my 30 minutes on the elliptical, 10 min climbing stairs, and 5 minutes rowing wasn’t working: even though it probably was.

But I didn’t change my eating habits. That’s the rub. I would work out great, but for lunch have leftover pasta or a sandwich, some sort of leftovers, and usually a soda. I would also have a ton of sugar in my coffee, and I didn’t eat breakfast (or if I did, it was a breakfast burrito). When I made minor changes to my food, I expected huge results with minor changes and that wasn’t the case. I needed a major change of how I thought about food to see results, and it didn’t have to be as hard as I was making it for myself.

Kitchen Changes = Body Changes

I have no idea why it didn’t click until I started seeing results with 30/10. Honestly, I think I always knew that results wouldn’t come without changing what I did in the kitchen, but I wasn’t willing to make those dietary changes. I wanted to eat pasta for 80% of my meals, drink soda and alcohol, but skip dessert and see the major body changes. I wasn’t willing to meal plan, or. God forbid, meal PREP, nor was I willing to eat less. I wanted what I wanted when I wanted it…but I also wanted to be as skinny and as toned as a super model. Overnight, obviously.

It’s no wonder why I was overweight. Damn, I love potato skins.

I didn’t get I can still have potato skins. Now I know I should only eat them on occasion, split with someone else, and not smothered in ranch dressing.

Moderation, some may call it.

The rest of my meals should be well planned and smart. I should have heavy protein and vegetables, good fats and good carbs, and drink a lot of water. If I go out to eat, I choose smart meals that sync to the 30/10 meal plans. I plan meals according to what our week is going to look like, and make sure they are tasty, yet healthy and balanced

If you aren’t seeing changes in the gym, let me ask you straight up: are you making as much of an effort in the kitchen than you are in the gym? Because if you are killing yourself in the gym but not planning meals and eating well and in moderation, then my friend, you’re never going to see what you want. You are also making it WAY too hard on yourself. Be kind to yourself, spend that extra hour a day that you spend in the gym meal planning and prepping. Then cut it down to strength training and walking. I’ll bet your body changes more in a month that way than in the last 5 months at the gym.

Talk to me:

Have you see this change work in your life? Are you ready to make this change? 

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Where does weight loss REALLY happen? In what you consume or what you burn?? Click to find out NOW #weightloss #healthyeating #exercise #eatright #trainhard #loseweightfast
Where does weight loss REALLY happen? In what you consume or what you burn?? Click to find out NOW #weightloss #healthyeating #exercise #eatright #trainhard #loseweightfast
Where does success come from? The kitchen? The gym? Come on over and lets talk about WHY its the kitchen!
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