I workout in the morning. Like, pre-COVID, this meant 5:30am. At least 3 times a week. I love a good morning workout, and Sam from 2016 would think Sam from 2020 would NEVER say that. Actually, Sam from 2016 wouldn’t believe a lot of 2020 but that’s neither here nor there. For me, a morning workout encompasses a whole lot of what I love and how I like to start my day, and allows me to continue my lazy streak. “But Sam!” I can hear you all screaming at your screens, “How on earth is a 5:30am workout lazy!?” Simple – I don’t have to stop any of my other lazy habits to do it! I can watch TV or scroll Instagram or leave work early and NOT have it on my to-do list.

It makes sense in my brain.

COVID has thrown a bit of a curveball into the whole early morning workout thing, namely my beloved gym was one that ended up having to close because of time physically closed. The gym owner awesomely created a new website where he is streaming the same great workouts, so I am thankful for that. I also joined Amanda Kloots fitness subscription service, which I found as I was following her husbands battle with COVID. Both of these services actually cost less combined than my gym did, so there is a little win, but most classes aren’t live, so I can do them whenever. ALSO, I now don’t have the time constraint of being at work at a certain time for the whole day, so I can fit a workout between meetings mid-day if I so choose. I still aim to get workouts done before noon, though, its a mental thing.

If you haven’t caught it by now, I am obviously going to try and convince you to workout in the morning. But I suppose we can also go over how I make it work and overcome alllll the excuses.

COVID Workout - Toilet Paper Tabata!!! The only equipment is TP! #covidworkout #tptabata #toiletpapertabata #tabata #hiitworkout #hiit

10 reasons I do my morning workout

1 – It gets it done

If I have a workout done before noon (or in non-COVID times, before 7am) it isn’t something that hangs over my head all day. I don’t have time to tread it or fret about making time for it. It’s just…done.

2 – It energizes me for the day

Morning workout? I’m wide awake now! It gives me energy, helps improve my mood, can work on relieving a little anxiety, and get out any frustrations I’ve been holding on to. That releases me for the rest of the day to NOT need to do that. I am awake and functioning for my kids, my husband, and my work. And as Elle Woods says, “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy.”

3 – I have less excuses to not workout in the morning

If I don’t do a morning workout, it just is not going to happen. I can own that. I have endless excuses as to why I can’t prioritize a workout in the afternoon. Those excuses include but are not limited to: I want to play with the kids, I really need to start cooking dinner, I just ate and now I’m full and do I REALLY want to puke mid-workout?!, I left/had to work late so there is no time, I’m exhausted cause today was a DAY, the kids just went to bed and I want to watch the next 3 episodes of The West Wing and eat popcorn.

If I wake up and do a morning workout, I have no excuse other than my bed is warm. And some days that is enough of an excuse. But other than that? No excuses.

4 – Better weather

Don’t believe me? If it’s mid-summer and 90 degrees in Seattle, its only about 60 early in the am. If its mid-winter, it’s COLD, but the workout I do is a HIIT workout, so I warm up quickly and then the cold feels good!

5 – I make better choices with food throughout the day

I am still all about balance and moderation instead of deprivation, but after a morning workout, my endorphins are high and I feel motivated and energized – so I don’t want a donut. Not that I am concerned that I would “undo” all that work (because it wouldn’t) but I have enough energy to make something, like eggs, which are so high in protein and helpful for that muscle growth I want so much! Then throughout the day, I will make more balanced choices – I’ll have a sandwich, but then an apple for snack. It gives me a good kick to help balance my plate.

6 – It kickstarts my stepcount

Listen, I focus WAY too much on my FitBit. I LOVE MY FITBIT. I am so hyper competitive with myself, that I love being able to have something I can track and “compete” with every day. In the evening, I will shamelessly run in place before bed if I am close enough to 10,000 steps in a day, or run my stairs a few times to get 10 flights.

When I do a morning workout, I get 1,500-2,000 steps. Before 7am. In 30 min. It’s so easy. That gives me a kickstart of reaching my 10,000 step goal, and makes me feel like BOOM! I’m almost to my goal.

7 – Checks something off my to-do list

I love a check mark, crossing things off a list. It makes me happy. I make lists in OneNote, I make lists on paper, I make lists on my phone – it’s all satisfying to me. SO, being able to check something off early in the day? SIGN ME UP.

8 – Movement begets movement

Much like babies and sleep, workouts energize me to move. The energy I get from a morning workout can lead me through an entire day of more movement. Not only do I get 1,500-2,000 steps a workout, I also end the day with a far higher step count (more than 2,000 more) than days without a workout. I am more energized to take the stairs versus an elevator, to go for a walk versus hang on the couch, run around with kiddos, you get the idea. It helps me move!

9 – I dont have to motivate myself, my coach does that

I love a group setting for workouts. Why? Because I wont quit. I am competitive with myself and I have a strong “no embarrassment” gene. I’ll go to great lengths to not feel embarrassed or not good enough. So in a group setting or class, I will push myself through the “well this isn’t fun” part to get a real SOLID workout. If I am doing a workout I found on Pinterest, it can be a great workout, but if I am tired or my heart just isn’t in it, I will half ass it.

“Does this change because of COVID and now you’re on internet workouts?!” you may ask? Nope. The two sites I joined (linked above, no affiliate) were purposefully chosen. Dr. Die Lard I chose because Eric has been my coach for the last almost 3 years, I love his workouts, his energy, and we’re buds! I am motivated by the way he coaches, even when its me pushing play long after something has been recorded. Amanda Kloots Fitness I chose because I was incredibly moved by Amanda’s story, her joy and optimism throughout the hardest season of life (and its continuation) and her workouts – I did the 7 day trial and was sold. I still can’t complete the 5 minute dancer arm workout without dropping my arms. ONE DAY I WILL! #goals

These two sites and the programs within them make me competitive with myself to give me a goal – improvement, following steps better, keeping up with the workout, etc. That helps me!

10 – Gives me time to myself

I covet alone time. Especially pre-COVID, when I would get back from my workout and have 30+ minutes of quiet to drink coffee, watch the shows I love that Aaron doesn’t watch, eat breakfast I don’t have to share, and just….relax. It’s dreamy. Currently in COVID times, that is few and far between because we never go anywhere so I am RARELY alone, which makes me cherish it that much more when it happens.

Post workout coffee - Heaven! #workout #postworkout #postworkoutglow #coffee #morningcoffee

5 ways I make it work/overcome my excuses to complete my morning workout

1 – I listen to my body

If I am exhausted or feel like garbage, you know what I do? I don’t work out. Because sometimes you push through and sometimes you say “my body needs rest” and you give up your competitive nature for a hot minute. That is hard for me, since I am SO self competitive I will make myself feel guilty, but when I do it, I am more refreshed and focused. Now that we are in COVID times, I can push my workout a little later guilt free, and still do what I need to do in terms of self care earlier in the day.

2 – I am READY the night before

It takes away the “I can’t find anything and it’s dark” excuse. On pre-COVID days, that meant that the night before a 5:30am workout, I would have my clothes on my bathroom counter, ready to put on. Contacts would be out of the drawer on top of the clothes. I’d have a full water bottle, my wallet, keys, and some form of pre-workout snack (usually a banana or BelVita crackers) ready to go. I’d have my coat over the chair, and I’d have my shoes out of the closet so I could just put them on and walk out. I removed every excuse that I could and made it as easy as possible to get out the door quickly – especially since I am the queen of dawdling.

Currently, I just have everything I need super accessible – I have all workout clothes in one place, with my “indoor only” sneakers next to them. I have water bottles all over the dang house, and my computer can just unplug and go anywhere. To me, its all about ease.

3 – I have a LOT of alarms (and an endlessly patient husband)

I love hitting snooze. It feels like sleeping in!

I currently have 3 alarms ready to go – with labels to “yell” at myself to get out of bed, and one final one that is a “last second to walk out the door to not panic that you’ll be late for class” notice. With snoozes, I get about 5 yelling buzzers. Bless my husband, since he will sleep through them, or just be able to fall right back asleep.

Now, I schedule it in my work calendar! I block time in between meetings and I over-schedule it when possible. That allows time for getting changed, stretching, and showering. Sometimes the work schedule doesn’t allow a nice cool down, so I will frantically join a meeting 2 min late just after finishing my workout. Ha!

Alarms for a morning workout #getupandgo #workout #morning workout

4 – I purchased clothes I am excited to wear/workout in

I am WAY more likely to get up and get moving when I am super excited to wear something new. I love workout gear, particularly sassy shirts, so if there’s something fun waiting for me to wear, that makes me laugh or is super comfortable, I am more motivated to get my morning workout in!

For this reason, I have a StitchFix account, where I get new clothes (workout and non!) delivered every 3 months. I’ve also spoken endlessly of my love of Old Navy workout clothes, but here I go again. I love their clothes! They are inexpensive, comfortable, long lasting, and just GREAT! I have a lot of their leggings and tanks – particularly love their oversized tanks that just scream “workout in summer” to me. Etsy is a great place for sassy workout tanks – I have dreams of getting a Silhouette cutting machine and making my own shirts, but I also feel like that is a slippery slope to no space left un-crafted in my house. Sorry, husband.

5 – I have a treat waiting for me – a fresh pot of coffee

There’s nothing better than coming home to a quiet house after an intense workout to the smell of fresh coffee. When I can come in after a workout and my first step can be to grab a cup of coffee and sit. It’s dreamy. Now, in COVID, that treat varies – sometimes it’s a lunch I love, sometimes it’s just a crazy hot shower and face mask, sometimes its a nap! I have more options because it’s not 6am when I get home 😀

So that’s why I love my morning workout and how I make it happen.

I love them. I love working out. That is something I never thought I would say, but this is something I have stuck with for almost three years now, with some gaps, and I am PROUD of that habit that I have formed and that I get to do for ME.

And now comes the fun part – do you agree?? Are you someone who loves a morning workout? Or do you dig an afternoon or evening workout? Tell me in the comments!

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Getting up early to workout is HARD - but SO WORTH IT. Here's how and why I do it! #morningworkout #fitnessroutine #workoutroutine #earlywakeup #workout #fitness #amworkout
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